Friday, November 21, 2008

November 21, 2008.

The weather is just how I like it - hot and getting hotter. My calf muscle feels much better. No more limping around the house, but there's still an area of stiffness - no pain, though.

Paul, myself and Siyabonga start running and he runs us for 10 mins at a good clip and rests (walks) for about 1 or 2 mins, and then we tackle the first hill. "Not too bad", I think. I'm still huffing and puffing horribly. It's an improvement over the last few times and it's encouraging. I'm feeling a bit stronger. I'll take it.

We're running hills this morning as I really need to work on this. So we run some gradual hills and then about 35 mins into the run we get to Avenue Bordeaux. This is a monster hill - okay - maybe not monster monster, but I consider my driveway steep so Ave Bordeaux looks tough.

We set out and Siy is just cruising along with me - I'm fast walking this sucker - not even attempting to run it, but I don't quit. Paul's already waiting at the top of the hill for us. Siy is such a great coach and so encouraging. I just adore his quiet strength.

On the downhill my calf starts its swearing at me. Siyabonga tells me I need to strenghthen my calves. Even though I'm very flexible because of my yoga training, my strength is not there for the run. That's probably why I'm still huffing and puffing and still feeling like a sack of potatoes for most of the run. I want to get into that easy running rhythm Siy has. He makes it look so easy so I'm trying to mimic his stride but man, my labored breathing is just downright embarrassing. You could probably hear me three kays away. I wonder what Siy thinks when I'm carrying on like this. Note - he's 20 years younger than us. Not an excuse. I signed up for this. I will do this.

Today reminded me of the good days with autism. The days when my child is the sweetest little girl on the planet - no tantrumming, no perseveration, no crying, no demanding, very little stimming, eating everything I put in fron of her, brushing her teeth beautifully and just being mummy's angel. These are the days when autism wasn't even thought about. The days when life is just great.

Autism is always there and I have to deal with it, but hey, it's not always bad, not at all. If you constantly look for the downfalls of autism, you'll constantly fall down and stay down. If you constantly look for the positive side, you'll constantly be positive. Autism teaches me about myself everyday and for that I'm grateful. The strength that I have found within myself to deal with my child's autism is the strength that's going to get me through that half marathon. This strength will get me through those darn hills.

I finished the run. I got through it, albeit with some struggle, but we ended on success. Days like today are the ones that have kept me going and will keep me going. They exist. They are there for the having no matter what I'm doing.

The only easy day was yesterday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I ran my hour and a half on Sunday as Siyabonga instructed me too. He's the expert and I have t listen to him if I want to progress in my training schedule.

At 6.15am I let the dogs out. I've been up since 5 am - before the birds started twittering and I'm feeling great! So I let the dogs out and my daughter's toy poodle, Oscar, takes a tumble down the retraining blocks in the garden. It seems as if he misjugded his footing and fell. I heard yelps and a thud and then he got up and ran to take care of his business. When I called him into the house afterwards, he had this weird look on his face like he was going to attack me and his nose was a bit bloody. Was he blaming me? He was also running sideways as if he'd hurt his pelvis. "Oh great," I think, "this would happen on the day of my next training session with Siyabonga. Anwya, Oscar being the roughneck tough poodle he is, rallies and he's fine by the time I leave for our run with Siy.

I warmed up for about 20 minutes - 10 mins running and 10 mins stretching - and by the time we meet with Siy I'm feeling good. I tell Siyabonga this and we start off running around the 'hood. Now Siy has been training me for 3 mins and walking for 1 min up to now, but today he decides to run me for 5 mins at a good clip before my rest, but doesn't tell me beforehand and I'm a bit miffed because I know something is up because I'm already cursing and hoping for my break. Me and my big mouth. The whole time I'm running with Siy and Paul I'm worried about my doggie.

About 10 mins into the run, my left calf muscle starts spasming. S**t, man, this is on level ground with nary a hill in sight and now this. So Siy shows me how to stretch on the run and we do this for about 4 minutes. No such luck - the calf muscle is being stubborn and so am I. I don't say anything to Siy and Paul and we move on.

My calf is hurting like hell, but I'm not going to wimp out and turn around while we're still in sight of the gym. No siree, I'm going to tough it out and finish the 7.5 kays. All the while I'm running I'm saying "there is no pain, there is no pain" but my calf is saying something else, if it could talk, it would be really swearing at me. I know if told Siy and Paul about it, they would've baby-ed me and taken me back to the gym. But I'm a tough chick and I want no pampering. So I soldier on. I finish the 7.5 kays and Siy stretches us at the gym and we get home. Oscar is fine, by the way.

Now my calf feels like there's a lead weight attached to it. I'm limping around the house as if I have a wooden leg. I'm icing it and Voltaren-ing it like mad. Elevating and the whole R-I-C-E treatment (rest, ice, elevation, compression) because I want to do my training run on Friday. I have from Wed pm to Frid am to get this sucker fixed.

Today I figured out that I'm either stubborn or stupid, probably both for running with a muscle spasm. But what the heck, at least I can train for this half marathon right - pain and all. There have been days I was in the throes of autism with my daughter - sleepless nights, tantrums, throwing things, peeing on the carpet, meltdowns in public, head butting me, perserveration until I went deaf - all within a morning, that I didn't even have time to think!!! So what's a little calf pain to get to my goal? I've confronted and accepted autism, stepped up to the plate, sucked it in, and took it on. I can do this half marathon. I will do it.

Autism never gives us a break no matter how crappy we feel. Autims doesn not listen to any excuses about how bad you feel today. Your child is infront of you needing you and you get to it, so there are no excuses for me not training and I soldier on.

The only easy day was yesterday.

Monday, November 17, 2008

12/14/08 - So the glutes still hurt like hell!!! Where did these muscles come from? I meet Siy at the gym at 9am with my husband, Paul, and my German Shepherd Trinity. I figured we'd get in the family run with the dog. She's a great companion and always up for any activity. So we start running and everyone but me is cruising along.

Trin is hardly breaking sweat and Paul and Siy are having a great discussion about I don't know what as if they're sitting at a table. Me, I feel like my bodie's really turned into a sack of potatoes trying to run. Glutes shrieking, chest heaving, I just can't find my rhythym. So I finally break down and tell Siy that I feel really heavy today - that's putting it nicely. I really felt like something Trin would drop at the side of the road - you know what I mean.

And then Siy starts taking it easy on me and then I start feeling like I can really run but I'm scared to tell him in case he starts pushing me again and I feel like another of Trin's droppings. But he's such a great guy and just the best coach I could hope for so I don't want to come across as a whiny over 40 female. So I just soldier on but hey man, this run seems easy. So I just decide to enjoy it anyway and end on success.

Siy hasn't broken one bead of sweat. Paul neither, and Trin's tongue isn't even hanging out - she's ready to chase afer birds after about a 7.5 kay run. Me, I'm dead. I still feel like a sack of potatoes and the glutes feel even heavier. Siy stretches with me at the end and tells me to run for 90 minutes on Sunday. Sure guy - whatever you say.

The only easy day was yesterday

12/11/09 - Wednesday morning and time for my run with Siyabonga. The weather is really not cooperating - we've been slammed back into winter with winds and rain. But, I gotta get to the gym at 9am as he's waiting. I really want to lie on the couch with a blanket and the book I started reading.

So I get to the gym and Siy says we're going to do speedwork on the treadmill. That means he's going to get me to run for 3 mins and rest for 2, then run for 4 mins and rest for 1 min, all the while increasing the speed and a little of the hills. Halfway through the session he pushes the treadmill up to 11.5 kph - I've never seen those numbers on the treadmill ever - and I've been working out on them for years - and I was running so hard I though my legs were going to fall off!!! Now I know what people feel like when they get on a treadmill and it's going so fast they think they're going to fall off. But I made it - all the while wheezing and heaving and feeling dizzy.

Afterwards I though I would get to do the assisted stretching that I like so much with Siy - my reward - but no!!! He puts me on the hip aductor machine. For those of you who don't know - you sit on this machine and push out like you're flashing someone - get it? But hey, there's weights attached to it and you've got to push like dickens working the glutes and the outer hip muscles. OWWW- man it hurt!!!

The next morning I felt like my behind had a bag of cement attached to each cheek!!! Sitting down and standing up hurt like blazes, but I kept telling myself this is moving me towards my goal.

The only easy day was yesterday.
9 November 2009

OMG!!! I felt so good after my run with Siyabonga on Wednesday. But man, oh man, Thursday night I realllly felt the pain. I could hardly get up off the couch - serves me right for sitting on my tush for so long!

Friday morning it was back to the 8 kays around the 'hood and I finished a little stronger - according to Siyabonga. That's because I had a good night's sleep and did not take any antihistamines.

Siyabonga has told me to run an easy 45 mins on the treadmill on Sunday to continue to build my base. So I'm left thinking "if I'm stressing this hard at 8 kays, how on earth am I going to finish that 21.1kays?"

The only easy day was yesterday.

Jazel 9/11/o8

I've started training

Okay - this morning I started training with Siyabonga, my trainer who's going to get me to through the 21.1 kays and to that finish line!! And of course this morning was the morning that my allergies decided to show up in full force at 3am. So I've been up since 3 am taking antihistamines and not wimping out. No complaining - I didn't eventell Siy - as I've shortened his name - about my challenge.

Siyabonga ran me about 8 kays around Constantia - hills and all - with me wheezing all the time like a dysfunctional bellows. Crikey - when did it get so hard? I thought I could do this.

My mantra from now on - The only easy day was yesterday.

I'll be back to train with him on Friday morning.

Jazel 7 November 2008