Friday, December 19, 2008

December 19th. It's amazing what a little R&R can do. I took a week off from anything gym-related and all things exercise and now I feel great. My calf muscle is just peachy and my right foot is peaches and cream. I've had to be fitted with orthotics as my right leg is shorter than my left leg by 1cm and that's what's causing all kinds of issues. I also saw a specialist who advised me that my right foot is operating on some weird motion - too long to describe here. So now I have to wait until after Christmas to begin running again - only on the treadmill, though, and no heroics, I've been told. Just run to get my body back to the rhythm of running and I must finish feeling like I could run for another hour. So no overdoing it! I can do that part. And I've also committed to continuing my strength training on the exercises Siy has shown me when we were doing two weeks of nonrunning-related training. Those were no picnic either. I've promised myself not to overindulge and pig out over the festive season. I've promised myself that I will do my workouts as planned. I've committed to watching my caloric intake. Yeah, right - that's all going out the window when Auntie Elsie's Christmas cake shows up on Thursday!

The only easy day was yesterday.

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